Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy February!

Hello My Lovely "L's"

It's been a week or so since my last post, a lot has happened since I last posted. I had my first check up with my surgeon. It went really well I lost 47lbs WOW!!! (IKR!?) I looked at her like she was lying to me when she told me that. When you have WL surgery the best way to describe how you feel is everything changes around you but you still feel like the same person on the inside. Sometimes when I am in a room full of people (since my surgery) I feel like a painting on a wall or a fish in a fish tank everyone is ALWAYS watching you! I guess it comes with the territory. I have always been a person people looked up to but since my surgery I notice it a whole lot more. Don't worry I don't mind! It actually encourages me to do what I set out to do. I appreciate every smile when I am at the gym (Yes I finally got clearance to go back to Zumba) , I appreciate every person who lets me know that they are rooting for me (even strangers). I am currently on a hunt for some protein (shakes, drink mixes) that taste good. I found one that was okay but I need something that tastes good. So I went to my second "family function" it was a Super Bowl Party. I did well I brought my own food. Guys I was in a house full of sweets, snacks, and MOUNTAIN DEW! O_o  Before my surgery I was in love with Mountain Dew, Chips and Pepsi. I am slowly learning that those things don't need a place in my life. I am finding new things to take up my time. I am laughing more and looking at the silver lining more. I always knew that life is what you make it. We always have an option, we always have a choice and no matter the amount of hell you have been through it does not define you. What didn't kill you was sent to build you!

Keep soaring !
