Thursday, October 1, 2015

The FEAR Factor

I believe that fear is false evidence appearing real. When is the last time you conquered a fear?
Although I have always been considered a woman of strength I too have had my share of fears! Fear acts a the critical voice in your head that stops you dead in your tracks. I used to fear that I would never marry because I hadn't seen any positive examples of a healthy marriage as a child. I have been married for eight years now! I used to fear that I wasn't smart enough to go to college. I completed an associates degree and I will be completing a bachelors degree in 2016 with the plan to attend graduate school. I could really go on and on about some fears I have but the fact of the matter is you won't know what you can do unless you try. You will never see different until you do different!

-Get up and Go
-Sign up and try
-Dare to be different 
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